
Reporting and Analytics

Grow your streaming business while complying with rights holders

High quality reporting and analytics is key to run a successful streaming service supported by the industry. Our reporting capabilities are split between Rights Holder Usage Reporting and Service Analytics. The former is a requirement from Record Labels and Publishers to be able to use their content, while our service analytics dashboards help you understand your users and improve your service accordingly.


Automate report to rights holders

Every rights owner has different report format and frequency requirements. To save time and help you comply with their requests, we have developed RAPPORT, our own Core Activity Reporting software, to manage recorded rights and publishing usage reporting for you. RAPPORT creates monthly stream reports, customised per label, as well as publishing reports as required. RAPPORT auto generates these reports within minutes of the end of month and publishes directly to label-accessible areas. This includes:

  • Multi Territory royalty reporting
  • Monthly Record Labels, Publishing and PROs reports
  • Automated Monthly Financial Reporting
  • Access to Daily Content Reports (activity, content popularity, devices)
  • Format approved by the industry

Make targeted decisions with music streaming data analytics

Tuned Global equips your streaming business to thrive with the backing of a better standard of analytics. We can help you create a platform that collects vital user pattern information, catalogue data and financial reporting that makes it easy to see the right decision at every turn.



Mobile app analytics

Our platform can track important user metrics such as new and active users, page visited, engagement or user retention. This data can be segmented by location, devices, gender and other user profile related controls. Our branded apps come equipped with Google Firebase and Clevertap, but we can easily connect to your own analytics platform.


Catalogue analytics

Our clients are granted access to a full set of tailored music streaming analytics. We can equip your platform with the ability to provide insight into content popularity, average listening time and other user stream activity. This information can be used to chart and share label and publishing reports – providing you with the tools to make data driven decisions and negotiate better relationships with providers.


Subscription reporting

Depending on the monetisation system and the billing integrations requirements for your streaming service, we might be able to provide you with user subscription analytics. Understand the number of trials, paid users or free users and work on conversion rate. Using our marketing tools, you will be able to segment users at different levels in their journey and send them rightly timed notifications.

Use our reporting and analytics tools to comply with rigth holders and make data-driven decisions for your service
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